Natasha-Buhle-Mhlanga - CARE ZIMBABWE

Natasha Buhle Mhlanga

People & Organisational Development Lead

Natasha has strong expertise in the Human Resources field in the space of Corporate Culture Transformation, Leadership Development, Training & Development, Performance Management, Change Management and Strategy Formulation.She has over fifteen (15) years broad industry experience spanning across different sectors that include non-profit organisations, healthcare, telecoms, banking, agriculture, tourism and consultancy. She has spearheaded many initiatives that require translation of strategy into successful implementation and fulfilment of company visions, goals, and targets. She brings with her international, regional and local expertise, making her highly versatile, and adaptable to different environments. She has done work in Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa, Eswatini, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia and The Netherlands. Her experience and implementation of various projects in her previous HR roles in the healthcare sector, consultancy, and at Hivos Southern African Hub sharpened her expertise in planning, implementing, guiding and navigating change effectively. She brings with her vast knowledge in organisational culture transformation which is a depicted in how Leaders “show up”. She has a deep understanding of the impact that leaders, trust, vulnerability and psychological safety has on culture and has led various culture change initiatives that have resulted in positive, safe, sustainable and productive work environments. Natasha has championed initiatives such as introduction of Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS), rolling out and implementation of a mentorship programme, leadership development programmes and performance management systems. She is an expert trainer who has facilitated soft-skills training programmes inclusive of teambuilding sessions for various organisations. She brings vast knowledge of HR process of engagement, development, policy formulation, performance management, retention and industrial relations.

She has studied locally with the University of Zimbabwe and the National University of Science and Technology to attain her first bachelor of arts degree and a Master’s in Business Administration.
She is passionate about people and is a collaborative team-player with an ownership mentality and a track record of delivering the highest quality strategic solutions to resolve challenges that impact, employee wellness, organisational growth, and the community. In her free time, Natasha is enthusiastic about all round physical and mental health wellness issues. She participates in and co-ordinates various yoga initiatives and loves to travel. Please join me in welcoming Natasha to the Care Team! We look forward to working with her to cultivate a people-centric culture and build a thriving work environment for all staff.